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5 Reasons You Should Make the Switch to Clean Beauty

5 Reasons You Should Make the Switch to Clean Beauty

5 Reasons You Should Make the Switch to Clean Beauty

If the idea of clean beauty sounds tempting, but you’re overwhelmed with where to start and what to look for, we know exactly how you feel. That being said, we welcome you to the clean side of the beauty industry! Otherwise known for products that are safe and kind to your skin, as opposed to filled with chemicals and skin irritants that aren’t so great for your body. 

If you’re thinking about giving clean beauty a chance, we have five reasons why it’s worth making the switch!

Clean Ingredients Are Safe For Your Skin

Despite popular belief, some of the most hydrating and soothing ingredients that can benefit our skin the most actually come from natural resources, such as plant-based oils. Clean beauty focuses on simple, safe ingredients and leaves out everything else. The industry’s ideology is that the products you use should love your skin and body rather than cause you harm of any kind.

Our Skin Absorbs Everything

We’ve all tried to hide our pores at least once or twice, but our pores actually tell us that our skin absorbs everything that we use. Whether it’s clean or not, our skin will eventually absorb each ingredient we use since it’s our largest organ and the first line of defense to protect the rest of our body. Beyond our skin absorption, we’re also ingesting ingredients through makeup products like lipsticks or even our foundation.

Skin Irritation and Chemical Exposure

With millions of chemical-based products on the market, it’s no wonder that most of us have sensitive or irritable skin. Most of the ingredients in conventional skincare and makeup products are often too harsh for our skin, leading to breakouts, rashes, itchy and dry skin. 

Common irritants include parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, phthalates, but these only scratch the surface of conventional beauty ingredients. Clean beauty prioritizes safety over everything, giving you the peace of mind that you’re using safe products without skin irritants.

Kinder to the Planet

Clean beauty is kind to you and the planet. While keeping your safety in mind, clean beauty is mindful of its carbon footprint as an industry and makes an effort to be as sustainable as possible. Since beauty is one of the world’s biggest industries, it’s vital to our planet and the well-being of humans that companies are mindful of how their packaging, practices, and business footprint is affecting the rest of the world. From sourcing to packaging, every brand at Wren and Wild is environmentally sustainable! 

Ethical Business Practices

Of all 70+ clean beauty brands that we partner with, every single one is also cruelty-free! Not only does this show consumers that beauty doesn’t have to be cruel, but it also offers a different perspective within the industry, making space for cruelty-free to become the new standard. 

Supporting cruelty-free beauty brands means that you’re rejecting the unethical practice of testing cosmetics products on animals before it hits the market. Although this process is designed to test for allergic reactions, our beauty products don’t need to come at the expense of animals. 

The beauty industry is massive, and without proper guidance, it’s easy to get lost in the world of products and marketing. Essentially, that’s why we’re here; to guide you on your journey to a cleaner beauty regimen, but also to help you live a low-tox lifestyle. Clean beauty is transparent in terms of values and priorities, meaning you never have to sacrifice ethics or your health for effective products ever again!