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Clean, simple, sophisticated, elegant, and totally original. 

Founder, Albert's strongest memories are the scents of summer as a kid on his grandmother Elizabeth's ranch. Violets, roses, lilacs, and magnolias surrounded the house, while inside, the kitchen was filled with freshly picked lavender, rosemary, and sage. Fragrance enveloped him and became his fascination. Before launching into the rarefied air of the perfume world, he was an architect. In 1995, he devoted himself to his true passion and created a perfumery.

He knew there were fragrances for the masses and perfumes that speak to the individual. From the exterior design of a product to the scent inside, he seeks to touch the individual with elizabethW collections. They reflect an emphasis on quality and beauty, valuable lessons passed down through the generations from Elizabeth Wightman, his great grandmother.

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A tube of elizabethw lemon verbena hand cream.
elizabethW Mini Hand Cream

6 reviews