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Augustinus Bader, A Love Story

Augustinus Bader, A Love Story

For every skincare brand on the market, there is a superfan singing its praises. Whether their hero product saved someone’s sensitive skin, brought life back to a dull complexion, or feels and smells so good, applying it becomes a 30-second sanctuary to an otherwise stress-filled day. We all have our can’t-live-withouts and desert island must-haves. But when it comes to loving a brand and obsessing over the radiant glow it gives you, there’s no greater devotion than our one-and-only Marian Funtanella, Wren & Wild’s Superb Store Manager, and Augustinus Bader

So, for fun, we will let Miss Marian fangirl for a bit. Here’s her Bader love story:

First, I want to thank Marian for her time. She has been so busy helping run the store, and I appreciate the time she took to talk about skincare. 

What skin type are you?
I have normal skin. 
And do you have any skin conditions?
No, but I am aging every day, and I want to do what I can now to be as preventive as possible.

Tell us about the first time you tried Augustinus Bader:
The first time was about one year ago. My first purchase was The Starter Kit with The Rich Cream. I was fascinated by day one. The Essence and The Rich Cream hooked me right away. By the second week, I saw an improvement in texture and the health of my skin. I also used it on a large scar on my arm from a biopsy. Two months later, the scar was noticeably smaller. I couldn't believe it.
How long did it take for you to realize these products were different from others you’ve tried?
Two weeks but a whole month to never go back to anything else.
What is your favorite product and why (If you can name only one favorite)?

With The Rich Cream, I get everything my skin needs from one product: anti-aging texture and glow. I knew it was making a difference when people started complimenting my skin about one month after I started using it. 

Tell us about your runner-up products: 
The Essence is 3 steps in one; toner, hyaluronic acid, and a mild exfoliant. It's so hydrating, and everyone in Bend, OR has dehydrated skin from the climate.
The Cleansing Balm removes all of my makeup; it's amazing, and my skin feels hydrated just by the cleanser itself.

Is there a Bader product you think 99% of people can benefit from? 
Any of the moisturizers are a game-changing addition to a skincare routine. I use The Cream in summer and spring and The Rich Cream for the rest of the year. 

What do you want the world to know about this skincare line? 
It works! It is expensive, but it is an investment. Three products—The Balm Cleanser, The Rich Cream, and The Essence —can create a whole skincare routine.

Who doesn’t appreciate a true love story? Could Augustinus Bader be your personal skincare romance? Maybe you dabble with The Starter Kit with The Rich Cream, a complete on-the-glow system. Or fully jump in head over heels with Marian’s three essential products? Marian will tell you whichever way you go, your skin will never be the same again.